Tuesday, March 25, 2014

FE Awakening, Drama CD 1: 3. Friends' Return

In which Lon'qu hates his life and also Gaius.

Fire Emblem Awakening Drama CD Volume 1
Track 3: Friends' Return

Sunday, March 23, 2014

FE Awakening, Drama CD 1: 2. Dark Clouds

ugh Frederick please improve your enunciation. or at least talk slower.

again, unclear lines are those in (parentheses)!  if anyone is willing to give it a listen and can clarify/correct anything, please let me know~

Fire Emblem Awakening Drama CD Volume 1
Track 2: Dark Clouds

Hariyama-san, Center of the World, volume 1: Magic Girl Number 893

Sorry for the long wait on this; I wanted to finish up Detective Naoto first.  Notes are at the end this time because I am Indecisive and also because there's one note about the title that's a story spoiler.

Hariyama-san, Center of the World 1
Magic Girl Number 893 (Genre "young witch")

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

FE Awakening, Drama CD 1: 1. The Prince's Wedding

ahahaha. ...hi. because getting distracted and starting new projects is the story of my life.  I plan to do at least the first two Fire Emblem Awakening drama CDs, maybe the fourth if I'm finished with the first two by then and no one else picks them up because Morgans. er. yes.

in other news, the translation of the next chapter of Hariyama-san should be done this week, but it might take a little longer to check over and fix everything.

Anything in (parentheses) is stuff I couldn't make out clearly and had to kind of guess on.  Also of note is that Robin is male in this CD.

Fire Emblem Awakening Drama CD Volume 1
Track 1: The Prince's Wedding