this takes place after Arc 4 and DOES contain spoilers to that point in the story!
this translation was partially done off the script for the live performance and includes the stage notes. also of note is that there are ad-libs in the (Day 1) and [Day 2] performances at /BEGINNING NEXT that weren't in the {script/game version}. changes from each version are annotated accordingly and hopefully aren't too hard to follow.
IDOLiSH 7 5th Anniversary Event
Star Museum Fest
Star Museum Fest
■ The outdoor venue for the winter festival
▶ Stage lights off
▶ Sound: SFX chattering
Girl: Kyaaaaa!
Girl: It doesn’t feel cold at all! Even though we’re outside in the middle of winter!
Girl: I’m not cold! Because we finally get to see them! I’ve been waiting for this for so long!
Girl: Yeah! Hope they’re here soon!
Girl: IDOLiSH7!
Girl: Re:vale!
Girl: ŹOOĻ!
Girls: We finally get to see all our faves live!!
Girl: And at the most romantic winter festival in Japan, Star Museum Fest!
Girl: It doesn’t feel cold at all! Even though we’re outside in the middle of winter!
Girl: I’m not cold! Because we finally get to see them! I’ve been waiting for this for so long!
Girl: Yeah! Hope they’re here soon!
Girl: IDOLiSH7!
Girl: Re:vale!
Girl: ŹOOĻ!
Girls: We finally get to see all our faves live!!
Girl: And at the most romantic winter festival in Japan, Star Museum Fest!
■ IDOLiSH7’s dressing room
▶ Stage lights on (IDOLiSH7)
▶ Sound: BGM
Riku: Good morning!
Iori: Good morning, Nanase-san.
Mitsuki: Morning, Riku!
Riku: Wow, everyone’s really fired up for the Star Museum Fest! The audience is huge even though it’s this cold out!
Iori: Yeah. We can hear them even from our dressing room.
Yamato: It’s ‘cause we’ve had a lot of lives cancelled because of bad weather and such after we faced off with ŹOOĻ at BW.
Mitsuki: We’re finally performing in front of an audience again! Let’s give it our all, guys!
Riku: Yeah! We finally get to see all our beloved fans!
Tamaki: Finally! It’s been foreverrrr! I wanted to do a live so bad! I wanted to see our fans!
Sogo: Right. We always receive messages showing their support even when we can’t see them…
Sogo: But it’s much more heartening seeing everyone’s bright smiles when we’re together.
Nagi: YES! Happiness grows when it’s shared! I’ll make everyone HAPPY too!
Riku: This is great! I wanna sing in front of them right now! We’ve been waiting for this for so long! And TRIGGER, Re:vale, and ŹOOĻ are performing at Star Museum Fest too, right? We can finally have a live together with our friends and rivals again!
Tamaki: I’m suuuuper stoked! And our last song today is one we all sing together. It’s gonna be great!
Mitsuki: “Welcome, Future World!!!”
Riku: La la la…
Tamaki: Yeah! That one!
Riku: La la la…
Iori: That’s enough.
Riku: R-Really?
Iori: Don’t go off and have fun singing by yourself. It’s about time for us to give our greetings to the absolute kings Re:vale.
IDOLiSH7: Yeah!
■ ŹOOĻ’s dressing room
▶ Stage lights on (ŹOOĻ) / Stage lights off (IDOLiSH7)
▶ Sound: BGM
Haruka: Morning! Toma! Minami, Torao!
Toma: Morning, Haru!
Minami: Good morning, Isumi-san.
Torao: You’re in a good mood today. Even when it’s freezing out.
Haruka: I mean, you can hear everyone outside, right? We’ve got a ton of fans out there! They came out this morning even though it’s so cold out. I’m really happy!
Toma: Yeah, it’s great!
Haruka: We can’t lose to the other groups. Let’s get ‘em most excited for us and blow ‘em away!
Torao: Ahaha. Running wild is a good way to warm up.
Minami: You’ve changed a lot, Isumi-san.
Haruka: Really?
Minami: Before, you would’ve said something like, “...Who cares about our fans?”
Toma: Man, you really were a genius child actor. You sound exactly like him.
(Torao: Yeah, you do.
Haruka: He totally does not.
Torao: I’m saying he does.)
Haruka: I’m really grossed out now…
(Torao: Well, setting that aside.)
Torao: Minami’s best impersonation is pretending to be convenience store worker Ryo-san rudely handing over your change.
Toma: You have an impersonation like that?
Minami: Haha, I’ll show it off later. Back to the subject at hand, now Isumi-san wants to make the fans happy, and so he has fun. Seeing him have fun makes the fans happy and then they have fun. It’s a good cycle.
Haruka: Hehe… because it was our fans who got me back on my feet. I want them to be glad they got to know us, and I want to grant their wishes!
Torao: Their wishes, huh. Right, one of our fans said something when they saw me in front of the venue.
Haruka: What? Did they say what kind of fanservice they wanted? Maybe we’ll do it as a surprise!
Torao: “I don’t want you to sing WFW. You might get in trouble.”
Toma: WFW…? Wow, Fuu, Wow…?
Torao: What kind of song is that?
Minami: WFW… The song that all four groups sing together at the end is WFW. “Welcome, Future World!!!”
Haruka: Oh, you’re right. Maybe they mean that song? What do they mean by trouble? Does it have some kinda past…?
Toma: I’ll ask Riku later. First we should go greet Re:vale at their dressing room.
Haruka: I don’t really like Re:vale…
Torao: Same here…
Minami: Because they’re very influential seniors in showbiz. But it’s dangerous for us if we don’t maintain good relations with them.
Toma: It’s because they’re our seniors that we don’t have to hold back. Let’s go greet them with a bang! That’s the way ŹOOĻ does things!
[Torao: Ughhh…]
Toma: Hey, say “yeah!”
Haruka/Torao/Minami: Yeah…
Toma: Morning, Haru!
Minami: Good morning, Isumi-san.
Torao: You’re in a good mood today. Even when it’s freezing out.
Haruka: I mean, you can hear everyone outside, right? We’ve got a ton of fans out there! They came out this morning even though it’s so cold out. I’m really happy!
Toma: Yeah, it’s great!
Haruka: We can’t lose to the other groups. Let’s get ‘em most excited for us and blow ‘em away!
Torao: Ahaha. Running wild is a good way to warm up.
Minami: You’ve changed a lot, Isumi-san.
Haruka: Really?
Minami: Before, you would’ve said something like, “...Who cares about our fans?”
Toma: Man, you really were a genius child actor. You sound exactly like him.
(Torao: Yeah, you do.
Haruka: He totally does not.
Torao: I’m saying he does.)
Haruka: I’m really grossed out now…
(Torao: Well, setting that aside.)
Torao: Minami’s best impersonation is pretending to be convenience store worker Ryo-san rudely handing over your change.
Toma: You have an impersonation like that?
Minami: Haha, I’ll show it off later. Back to the subject at hand, now Isumi-san wants to make the fans happy, and so he has fun. Seeing him have fun makes the fans happy and then they have fun. It’s a good cycle.
Haruka: Hehe… because it was our fans who got me back on my feet. I want them to be glad they got to know us, and I want to grant their wishes!
Torao: Their wishes, huh. Right, one of our fans said something when they saw me in front of the venue.
Haruka: What? Did they say what kind of fanservice they wanted? Maybe we’ll do it as a surprise!
Torao: “I don’t want you to sing WFW. You might get in trouble.”
Toma: WFW…? Wow, Fuu, Wow…?
Torao: What kind of song is that?
Minami: WFW… The song that all four groups sing together at the end is WFW. “Welcome, Future World!!!”
Haruka: Oh, you’re right. Maybe they mean that song? What do they mean by trouble? Does it have some kinda past…?
Toma: I’ll ask Riku later. First we should go greet Re:vale at their dressing room.
Haruka: I don’t really like Re:vale…
Torao: Same here…
Minami: Because they’re very influential seniors in showbiz. But it’s dangerous for us if we don’t maintain good relations with them.
Toma: It’s because they’re our seniors that we don’t have to hold back. Let’s go greet them with a bang! That’s the way ŹOOĻ does things!
[Torao: Ughhh…]
Toma: Hey, say “yeah!”
Haruka/Torao/Minami: Yeah…
■ TRIGGER’s dressing room
▶ Stage lights on (TRIGGER) / Stage lights off (ŹOOĻ)
▶ Sound: BGM
Gaku: Let’s go. On three…
Ryunosuke: One, two, three!
▶ Sound: SFX camera shutter
Ryunosuke: How’s it look?
Gaku: A little late. If we start here…
Ryunosuke: Got it. Let’s give it a shot.
Gaku: On three.
Ryunosuke: One, two, three!
▶ Sound: SFX camera shutter
Gaku: Oh, great! That’s perfect!
Ryunosuke: There we go! Right on time!
Gaku: Perfect timing!
▶ Sound: SFX dressing room door opening
Tenn: …What are you doing?
Gaku: Hey, Tenn. So you know how they’re releasing a thousand lanterns for the finale of the Star Museum Fest?
Ryunosuke: They’ll be giving us lanterns too. So we were practicing letting go of the lanterns and then taking a picture of the night sky.
Tenn: It’ll be broadcast on TV. They’ll have professional cameramen taking pictures.
Gaku: We wanted to keep a copy on our phones too. The organizers said it’s allowed.
Ryunosuke: One, two, three!
▶ Sound: SFX camera shutter
Ryunosuke: How’s it look?
Gaku: A little late. If we start here…
Ryunosuke: Got it. Let’s give it a shot.
Gaku: On three.
Ryunosuke: One, two, three!
▶ Sound: SFX camera shutter
Gaku: Oh, great! That’s perfect!
Ryunosuke: There we go! Right on time!
Gaku: Perfect timing!
▶ Sound: SFX dressing room door opening
Tenn: …What are you doing?
Gaku: Hey, Tenn. So you know how they’re releasing a thousand lanterns for the finale of the Star Museum Fest?
Ryunosuke: They’ll be giving us lanterns too. So we were practicing letting go of the lanterns and then taking a picture of the night sky.
Tenn: It’ll be broadcast on TV. They’ll have professional cameramen taking pictures.
Gaku: We wanted to keep a copy on our phones too. The organizers said it’s allowed.
Ryunosuke: They said we could put the pictures on our official accounts too. We want to show all the fans what we’re seeing from up on stage!
Gaku: It’ll feel like we’re all up there together. It’s perfect for today’s song.
Tenn: “Welcome, Future World!!!”
Gaku: Yeah.
Ryunosuke: “We’ve met in a place where our feelings are shared…” It’s a really great song!
Tenn: Yeah. I love it too.
Ryunosuke: Oh, right. We’ve sung it with IDOLiSH7 and Re:vale, but it’s the first time we’re singing it with ŹOOĻ.
Gaku: It was originally a new song for the tour our three groups did together.
Tenn: It’ll be a difficult song for ŹOOĻ. Though they may not realize it.
Ryunosuke: You mean the melody? They’re good enough singers it should be easy for them?
Tenn: It’s not about how good they are at singing, it’s about their hearts. The whole song is about the memories and the bonds between idols and fans.
Tenn: ŹOOĻ formed their bonds once but then changed how they relate to each other. It’ll be hard for them, and for their fans who watched their bonds change.
Gaku: …Yeah. It was hard on Re:vale’s fans when they sang one of Zero’s songs, and on IDOLiSH7 when they sang “NATSU☆Shiyou Ze!”, a song everyone thought was ours. It left their fans with a lot of complicated feelings.
Ryunosuke: But… it’s because the fans care so much about us idols and our songs, the time we’ve spent together and our memories. It’s a good thing.
Tenn: Yeah, of course.
Ryunosuke: For me, I have lots of good memories for each and every song and each and every venue. Our fans reacted like this in that venue to that song. The weather was like this. Stuff like that.
Gaku: I remember too. A melody I loved was playing, the two of you were smiling, and past you, the fans were smiling too. Those moments are irreplaceable to me. I want to continue to treasure them, and I want our fans to treasure them too.
Ryunosuke: They accepted Re:vale’s “Dis one.” without any problems, and the booing stopped while IDOLiSH7 was singing “NATSU☆Shiyou Ze!”. Both were like miracles. I wonder how it happened?
Tenn: It’s because those irreplaceable moments can and do exist. We treasure and respect them.
Ryunosuke: Respect, huh…
Tenn: As they are now, I don’t think ŹOOĻ lacks respect for other artists. …But they’re awkward. I wonder if their feelings will reach the audience.
Ryunosuke: It’s their turn to take the stage! …is what you mean. Sounds kind of scary.
Tenn: It was scary.
Gaku: I’m sure they can do it. And that song is about welcoming new meetings and futures. I want the fans to smile in a new, irreplaceable moment.
Tenn: Yeah. Our hectic scenery will keep on changing. They might be uneasy every time the scene they’re used to changes, but… we’ll definitely make them smile.
Tenn: Forever and ever, no matter what.
Gaku: Yeah. Because we’re TRIGGER!
Ryunosuke: Let’s have fun today! Okay, let’s go greet Re:vale in their dressing room!
Tenn: “Welcome, Future World!!!”
Gaku: Yeah.
Ryunosuke: “We’ve met in a place where our feelings are shared…” It’s a really great song!
Tenn: Yeah. I love it too.
Ryunosuke: Oh, right. We’ve sung it with IDOLiSH7 and Re:vale, but it’s the first time we’re singing it with ŹOOĻ.
Gaku: It was originally a new song for the tour our three groups did together.
Tenn: It’ll be a difficult song for ŹOOĻ. Though they may not realize it.
Ryunosuke: You mean the melody? They’re good enough singers it should be easy for them?
Tenn: It’s not about how good they are at singing, it’s about their hearts. The whole song is about the memories and the bonds between idols and fans.
Tenn: ŹOOĻ formed their bonds once but then changed how they relate to each other. It’ll be hard for them, and for their fans who watched their bonds change.
Gaku: …Yeah. It was hard on Re:vale’s fans when they sang one of Zero’s songs, and on IDOLiSH7 when they sang “NATSU☆Shiyou Ze!”, a song everyone thought was ours. It left their fans with a lot of complicated feelings.
Ryunosuke: But… it’s because the fans care so much about us idols and our songs, the time we’ve spent together and our memories. It’s a good thing.
Tenn: Yeah, of course.
Ryunosuke: For me, I have lots of good memories for each and every song and each and every venue. Our fans reacted like this in that venue to that song. The weather was like this. Stuff like that.
Gaku: I remember too. A melody I loved was playing, the two of you were smiling, and past you, the fans were smiling too. Those moments are irreplaceable to me. I want to continue to treasure them, and I want our fans to treasure them too.
Ryunosuke: They accepted Re:vale’s “Dis one.” without any problems, and the booing stopped while IDOLiSH7 was singing “NATSU☆Shiyou Ze!”. Both were like miracles. I wonder how it happened?
Tenn: It’s because those irreplaceable moments can and do exist. We treasure and respect them.
Ryunosuke: Respect, huh…
Tenn: As they are now, I don’t think ŹOOĻ lacks respect for other artists. …But they’re awkward. I wonder if their feelings will reach the audience.
Ryunosuke: It’s their turn to take the stage! …is what you mean. Sounds kind of scary.
Tenn: It was scary.
Gaku: I’m sure they can do it. And that song is about welcoming new meetings and futures. I want the fans to smile in a new, irreplaceable moment.
Tenn: Yeah. Our hectic scenery will keep on changing. They might be uneasy every time the scene they’re used to changes, but… we’ll definitely make them smile.
Tenn: Forever and ever, no matter what.
Gaku: Yeah. Because we’re TRIGGER!
Ryunosuke: Let’s have fun today! Okay, let’s go greet Re:vale in their dressing room!
■ Re:vale’s dressing room
▶ Stage lights on (Re:vale)
▶ Sound: BGM
Yuki: Cold… An outdoor live when it’s so cold… What’s even the point in being the absolute kings…
Momo: Don’t say that, Yuki! Momo-chan’s love will warm your heart!
Yuki: Even if my heart is warm, my fingers are still numb…
Momo: It’s okay, it’s okay! With our juniors’ passionate songs and two layers of socks, your body will warm up too!
Yuki: You’re even more energetic than usual, Momo.
Momo: TRIGGER and ŹOOĻ are here tonight too. A lot’s happened between them. I want to help them out any way I can.
Yuki: You’re so kind, Momo…
Momo: But I shouldn’t just push them to get along. I’m not really how I should be helping.
Yuki: Yeah… How about as their Music Brother?
Momo: Music Brother?
Yuki: I saw it on a documentary. Siblings who made up when they danced together with Music Brother. But I don’t know whether to call this “making up” or “relaxing”...
Momo: Relaxing is good! Giving TRIGGER and ŹOOĻ a Music Brother is something only you could think up, Yuki!
Yuki: Really?
Momo: I think it’ll work really well! Let’s try it if it looks like things are going badly!
Yuki: Got it.
▶ Sound: SFX knock on door
Momo: Yeah, come in!
▶ Sound: SFX door opening/footsteps
▶ Stage lights on (Everyone)
Riku: Good morning! It’s us, IDOLiSH7!
Yuki: Morning.
Momo: Morning, Riku! IDOLiSH7! Let’s work hard today!
Haruka: Good morning. Oh… IDOLiSH7.
Tamaki: Isumin. Let’s work hard!
Haruka: Yeah.
Tenn: Good morning.
Gaku: Good morning. It sure is lively here.
Ryunosuke: Everyone’s here. Let’s work hard today.
Momo: Yeah! Same to you, ŹOOĻ, TRIGGER!
Yamato: Man, you guys have a big dressing room.
Yuki: Yeah. We figured our juniors would all come to visit, so we got a big dressing room.
Momo: But some gospel singers are practicing in the next room over, so they told us to make sure we don’t suddenly start laughing or going “Yay!” or making a lot of noise.
Riku: (softly) Okay.
Sogo: (softly) We’ll be careful.
Momo: You’re so obedient. I think it’s okay to talk a little louder.
All: Yay!!
Momo: I said not to go “Yay!” How’d we reach the “yays” so fast anyway?!
Riku: Well, we’re idols, so…
Sogo: We’re idols, so I just… got carried away and said “yay” after only a short time…
Momo: Then I guess we should talk softly after all.
Tamaki: (softly) Got it! It’s been forever, Ryu-aniki~.
Ryunosuke: (softly) It’s been a while, Tamaki-kun!
Minami: (softly) Inumaru-san. Weren’t you going to greet Re:vale-san with a bang?
Toma: (softly) Oh, right.
Torao: (softly) Toma, don’t be scared. Hit ‘em with all you’ve got.
Toma: (softly) Okay. …Re:vale-san! We’re not gonna lose to you!
Momo: (softly) Eh? What?
Yuki: (softly) Huh?
Toma: (softly) Uh… I mean, you’re our seniors, but ŹOOĻ’s not gonna hold back today! We’re greeting you with all we’ve got!
Momo: (softly) What?
Yuki: (softly) Huh?
Toma: (softly) I said, ŹOOĻ’s not gonna hold back today! We’re greeting you…
Yamato: Uh, let’s talk louder! Talk normally!
Ryunosuke: (softly) But the gospel singers…
Mitsuki: They’ll be okay if we’re only a little louder!
Riku: Then let’s start over… It’s been a while! It’s good to see you! Tenn-nii, Toma-san, how’ve you been?
Tenn: Haha, I’ve been well.
Toma: Yeah! You didn’t catch cold or anything, right, Riku?
Riku: I’ve been fine! It’s our first live in a while and I’m really looking forward to singing “Welcome, Future World!!!” with everyone!
Nagi: Let’s all have fun singing Haruki’s “Welcome, Future World!!!” together!
Minami: Yes, of course… I’m sure Sakura-san would’ve loved that.
Haruka: It’s a Haruki Sakura song? Hey, does it have some kind of past?
Tamaki: Past? Whaddya mean?
Sogo: If there are certain circumstances associated with it… in a bad way. For example, a cursed mask with a dark past…
Tamaki: Cursed mask?! Don’t talk about scary stuff like that!
Iori: I’ve never heard anything of the sort. Why do you ask, Isumi-san?
Haruka: Torao said a fan was saying something weird.
Torao: Yeah. She didn’t want us to sing it ‘cause she was scared there’d be trouble.
Tenn: ……
Haruka: What? You’re staring.
Tenn: You really don’t get it?
Haruka: What, so you know something? …I mean. Do you know anything? [1]
Re:vale: Ah…
[{Yamato: What’s up, Re:vale-san?}]
(Yamato: What’s up, Momo-san?) [2]
Re:vale: Time for Re:vale exercises!
Minami: Re:vale exercises?!
Gaku: The hell are you talking about?
Mitsuki: Aren’t we already gonna jump around enough today?!
Riku: Ahaha! That looks fun, Re:vale-san!
Momo: Okay, everyone! Time for rhythmic exercises!
Yuki: When Brother Momo calls out, answer “Yay!”, everyone! With feeling!
Momo: Let’s go! IDOLiSH7!
IDOLiSH7: Yay!
Momo: ŹOOĻ!
ŹOOĻ: Yay!
Momo: And now, everyone!
All: Yay!!
Momo: Okay! Thanks, everyone!
Yuki: Done. Sit down.
Yamato: ……Seriously, what was that just now?!
Yuki: What do we call it… relaxing?
Yamato: Relaxing…?!
Nagi: The Re:vale exercises were GOOD! I ENJOYED them!
Iori: Seriously, what are they doing? Isumi-san, what were you saying earlier?
Haruka: Ah, um, basically, I wanted to ask if you knew what she meant when she said there would be trouble if we sing “Welcome, Future World!!!”...
Re:vale: Time for Re:vale exercises!
Haruka: Again?!
Re:vale: Okay! One, and…
▶ Sound: SFX wall being hit
Tamaki: Ah, they hit the wall!
Riku: The gospel singers got mad at the absolute kings!
Ryunosuke: What… but they were the overall winners of BW…
Yuki: (softly) Sorry…
Momo: (softly) We’re really sorry…
Sogo: Please don’t be so upset, Re:vale-san…
Yuki: (softly) Shh. You’re too loud, Sogo-kun.
Sogo: (softly) S-Sorry.
Toma: I-I’m sure it’s okay if we talk normally.
Torao: This is awkward… Minami.
[(Minami: Eh?)]
Torao: To lighten the mood, you should pretend to be convenience store worker Ryo-san rudely handing over your change…
Minami: No. It would fall flat in this atmosphere. I know that.
Tamaki: So-chan, Rikkun, you should do that skit! You know, the one that’s like, bam, pow, amazing!
Sogo: Oh, that one. I don’t know if I can do it properly, but… Good evening. I’m Banri Ogami of Takanashi Productions, the man who can do everything. This is our rabbit Kinako.
Riku: Myuu myuu.
Tenn: Adorable. 100 points.
Iori: You pass.
Riku: Yay! Thanks!
Minami: Amazing… they broke through that unwelcoming atmosphere with their cuteness…
Toma: Don’t get upset. Your Ryo-san is lovely too.
Momo: Who said that skit was “bam, pow, amazing”?
Riku: Banri-san!
Yuki: Of course Ban would like it. It’s about him. But seriously, it’s just an inside joke.
Sogo: …Re:vale-san really is harsh on comedic sketches.
Riku: Yeah. They’re pros, so…
Momo: We’re not comedy pros! Not at all!
Sogo: I don’t know about any trouble associated with “Welcome, Future World!!!”, but it debuted on a joint national tour between IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, and Re:vale.
Mitsuki: That song holds some special memories for us. Wonder why she said there would be trouble? You won’t get hurt or sick or anything. There’s nothing to worry about!
Toma: Oh, okay. Thanks. See, it’s nothing, Haru.
Haruka: Good! But you three groups went on a national tour together, huh. That’s amazing.
Tamaki: It was suuuuper fun! They told us the person who worked the hardest would be the center for a new song. That’s the song!
Toma: Huh, sounds interesting.
Torao: It’s not ŹOOĻ’s usual kinda song, but I like it.
Nagi: OH! Haruki made it. Of course it’s great!
Minami: Haha. He must be surprised in heaven, watching Rokuya-san and I sing it together.
Haruka: But if that’s how it is, won’t the IDOLiSH7 and TRIGGER and Re:vale fans feel weird seeing us sing it?
Riku: I think they’ll be happy at the surprise! They were happy when me and Iori and Tenn-nii made a unit for the Zero Arena inaugural concert too!
Haruka: Really? Yeah, you’re right. Ehehe. But we’re gonna sing it in a way that it makes it ŹOOĻ’s song!
Nagi: OH… but then that will make us sad. Get to know us, befriend us, and sing along with us.
Haruka: Get to know you… I think we already do…
Nagi: Not our profiles. Our feelings, our souls. HELLO! NICE TO MEET YOU, Haruka!
Haruka: Wah, he’s hugging me…!
Nagi: MY NAME IS NAGI ROKUYA. I want to share not just our parts and phrases, but our excitement and our happiness too.
Haruka: …You sure?
Nagi: Of course! You’re WELCOME!
Tamaki: You can’t just act like outsiders forever! Right, Yukirin?
Yuki: Why are you asking me?
Tamaki: You’re the one who told me that!
Yuki: Really?
Momo: It’s only a few minutes long, but it’s a song full of lots of memories! I want you to know about them too, ŹOOĻ-kun!
Toma: Memories… you mean of the national tour?
Momo: How we met and how the twelve of us ended up singing together. And we’ll think about how we want all sixteen of us to sing together!
Torao: …You’ll tell us?
Ryunosuke: Of course! After all, you told us about the moving live you had at RedFes.
Ryunosuke: I’m sure I congratulated you.
Mitsuki: Then let’s go back in time and have ŹOOĻ congratulate us too. Starting with IDOLiSH7’s first live!
Yamato: There were nine people in the audience!
Toma: Really?!
Mitsuki: Really, really!
Tenn: We’ll tell you about TRIGGER too. Our first job with Re:vale-san was a charity live.
Momo: Oh yeah, that!
Tenn: There was a miscommunication and a shared misunderstanding. Gaku was about to hit the president.
Gaku: Don’t say it like that. You know I didn’t hit him. Ryu stepped in first.
Haruka: Where did TRIGGER meet?
Ryunosuke: A basement bar. I’d just arrived in Tokyo. Gaku and Tenn were so cool, I was really nervous.
Minami: And IDOLiSH7-san?
Riku: We played basketball the first time we met!
Mitsuki: Yeah, we did! When they said they would drop four of us, I was super nervous!
Toma: You were supposed to be a three-person group?
Iori: No, our manager talked it over with the president. They agreed to have us debut as a group of seven… but…
Haruka: But?
Iori: …forgot the lyrics when the seven of us first appeared on TV together. I did.
({Haruka: You did, Izumi?! Shit, I would cry!
Iori: I did cry.})
[Haruka: You did, Izumi?! I wouldn’t just cry, I’d start sobbing!
Iori: I did sob.]
Haruka: Huh… so even you make mistakes like that, Izumi…
Sogo: You shouldn’t let it bother you anymore. Anyway, that’s why MEZZO" debuted first.
Tamaki: At first we were super bad together. Right, So-chan!
Sogo: Yeah.
Tamaki: At least deny it!
Sogo: N-Not at all.
Toma: How did you meet, Re:vale?
Momo: Love at first sight at the live house.
Yuki: Right.
Momo: Right!
Toma: So you’ve always been like this…
Momo: Not at all! I’m his second partner! Yuki spent a long time looking for his old partner…
Toma: Huh?! Did you find him?
Yuki: Yeah. He’s the MEZZO" manager who was laughing at their inside joke.
Riku: That surprised me too! And then there was the time Iori and I swapped the center position, and when Yamato-san and Mitsuki-san fought and left the dorms…
Mitsuki & Yamato: Don’t tell them that!
Tamaki: And when So-chan destroyed my door with a screwdriver.
Yamato: And waved around a fake sword.
Sogo: P-Please don’t talk about that.
Torao: Makes you sound really manly, Osaka. I’m impressed.
Sogo: Mido-san.
Torao: Sorry…
Haruka: Hahaha! That’s great! What else?
Riku: I met someone who said he’ll never sing seriously again, but now we’re singing together at the Star Museum Fest!
Toma: Riku…
Riku: Toma-san. The first time we met, I wouldn’t have ever imagined a future like this. People and their futures are really amazing, and so interesting!
Toma: I’m grateful. I’m glad we met. I’m glad this is the future we reached. …I’m really, really glad I can sing seriously again.
Riku: Yeah! I don’t know what’ll happen in the future, but I’m sure there’ll be lots of times when we struggle and don’t know what to do…
Riku: But even the things we thought we couldn’t overcome, we overcame one by one, and now here we are. We’re really cool, huh!
Mitsuki: Yeah, we’re cool!
Iori: We’re cool.
Haruka: I… I wanna be able to say we’re cool too. I know I was just bragging we’ll make it ŹOOĻ’s song, but I don’t mean cool like that. More like…
Haruka: I want to know what it really means to be strong.
Toma: Haru…
Haruka: We’ll sing with all our hearts. “Welcome, Future World!!!”
Riku: Yeah! It’ll be great!
Sogo: It’s nearly time to begin. When they light the lanterns during the finale and release them into the sky, that’ll be our cue to start singing “Welcome, Future World!!!”
Yamato: It’ll be a beautiful sea of lights, both from above and below.
Momo: It’ll be super pretty! Let’s hype up the Star Museum Fest with all we’ve got!
All: Yeah!
Iori: I did sob.]
Haruka: Huh… so even you make mistakes like that, Izumi…
Sogo: You shouldn’t let it bother you anymore. Anyway, that’s why MEZZO" debuted first.
Tamaki: At first we were super bad together. Right, So-chan!
Sogo: Yeah.
Tamaki: At least deny it!
Sogo: N-Not at all.
Toma: How did you meet, Re:vale?
Momo: Love at first sight at the live house.
Yuki: Right.
Momo: Right!
Toma: So you’ve always been like this…
Momo: Not at all! I’m his second partner! Yuki spent a long time looking for his old partner…
Toma: Huh?! Did you find him?
Yuki: Yeah. He’s the MEZZO" manager who was laughing at their inside joke.
Riku: That surprised me too! And then there was the time Iori and I swapped the center position, and when Yamato-san and Mitsuki-san fought and left the dorms…
Mitsuki & Yamato: Don’t tell them that!
Tamaki: And when So-chan destroyed my door with a screwdriver.
Yamato: And waved around a fake sword.
Sogo: P-Please don’t talk about that.
Torao: Makes you sound really manly, Osaka. I’m impressed.
Sogo: Mido-san.
Torao: Sorry…
Haruka: Hahaha! That’s great! What else?
Riku: I met someone who said he’ll never sing seriously again, but now we’re singing together at the Star Museum Fest!
Toma: Riku…
Riku: Toma-san. The first time we met, I wouldn’t have ever imagined a future like this. People and their futures are really amazing, and so interesting!
Toma: I’m grateful. I’m glad we met. I’m glad this is the future we reached. …I’m really, really glad I can sing seriously again.
Riku: Yeah! I don’t know what’ll happen in the future, but I’m sure there’ll be lots of times when we struggle and don’t know what to do…
Riku: But even the things we thought we couldn’t overcome, we overcame one by one, and now here we are. We’re really cool, huh!
Mitsuki: Yeah, we’re cool!
Iori: We’re cool.
Haruka: I… I wanna be able to say we’re cool too. I know I was just bragging we’ll make it ŹOOĻ’s song, but I don’t mean cool like that. More like…
Haruka: I want to know what it really means to be strong.
Toma: Haru…
Haruka: We’ll sing with all our hearts. “Welcome, Future World!!!”
Riku: Yeah! It’ll be great!
Sogo: It’s nearly time to begin. When they light the lanterns during the finale and release them into the sky, that’ll be our cue to start singing “Welcome, Future World!!!”
Yamato: It’ll be a beautiful sea of lights, both from above and below.
Momo: It’ll be super pretty! Let’s hype up the Star Museum Fest with all we’ve got!
All: Yeah!
■ The outdoor venue for the winter festival
▶ Stage lights off
▶ Sound: SFX chattering
Mitsuki: It’s time for the Star Museum Fest finale! Hey everyone, did you have fun?
Minami: It’s finally time for the long-awaited lantern release. Light your lanterns when we count down. Once they’re hot enough, let go carefully, and your lantern will rise into the sky.
Tenn: They say when you finally lose sight of the lantern lights high up in the night sky, your difficulties will also disappear.
Yuki: Be careful to avoid burns and accidents. Let’s enjoy the magnificent sight of the lanterns rising together.
Haruka: Okay, time for the countdown!
Torao: Here we go! You ready?!
Toma: The venue’s gonna go all dark. Careful you don’t get hurt! Okay, let’s do this!
Re:vale: Countdown start!
Ryunosuke: 10!
Tenn: 9!
Gaku: 8!
Riku: 7!
Nagi: 6!
Sogo: 5!
Tamaki: 4!
Mitsuki: 3!
Yamato: 2!
Iori: 1!
All: Start!
▶ Venue penlights on
All: Wow!
Riku: It’s beautiful…!
Haruka: So pretty…
Tamaki: It’s super pretty!
Nagi: AMAZING…! What a lovely, moving sight!
Ryunosuke: You’re right…
Gaku: Ryu! Come on!
Ryunosuke: Oh, I forgot! 1, 2, 3…
▶ Sound: SFX camera shutter
Ryunosuke: Got it!
Tenn: Haha. Good.
Toma: Come here, you guys! Let’s take a group selfie!
Minami: I have a selfie stick.
Haruka: You’ve got everything, Minami.
{Torao: My arms are longest. I’ll take it. One, two…}
(Torao: Okay, I’ll take it. Everyone line up here.
Toma: Okay.
Torao: Wait just a second.
Torao: Ready?
Haruka: Let’s do it!
Torao: One, two…) [3]
[Torao: Okay, I’ll take it. Everyone get in close.
Toma: Okay. Let’s go.
Haruka: Yeah.
Torao: Wait just a second.
Toma: Let’s go. Everyone together?
Toma: We’re together.
Torao: Okay, someone else do the count.
Toma: Got it. One, two…]
▶ Sound: SFX camera shutter
Riku: So they take pictures when they say ŹOOĻ.
{Tamaki: So-chan, us too.
Sogo: O-Okay. One, two…
[Tamaki: So-chan, us too.
Sogo: O-Okay. Let me get ready. Um…
Tamaki: Huh? You have something?
Sogo: Yeah. I brought a lot of things we can use.
Tamaki: That’s just like you, So-chan.
Sogo: Okay, here we go! One, two…
▶ Sound: SFX camera shutter
Momo: So pretty, Yuki…
Yuki: Very pretty, Momo…
Mitsuki: Re:vale-san is off in their own little world.
Yamato: It’s great.
Mitsuki: What, their own little world?
Yamato: Not that! The lanterns!
Yamato: It’s nice to watch rockets go off with a bang. But watching them float away slowly and gently and softly isn’t bad either.
Nagi: It’s wonderful. Let’s rise like them in our own way—slowly and elegantly.
Iori: Nanase-san, it’s about time to signal the finale song.
Riku: Oh, right. Um…
Riku: Okay, everyone! Please listen to this song while we look up at the beautiful sky! These members will be performing our final song!
Riku: ŹOOĻ!
▶ Sound: SFX cheering
Riku: IDOLiSH7!
▶ Sound: SFX cheering
▶ Sound: SFX cheering
Riku: Re:vale!
▶ Sound: SFX cheering
Riku: All four groups together will be performing for you! “Welcome, Future World!!!”
Minami: It’s finally time for the long-awaited lantern release. Light your lanterns when we count down. Once they’re hot enough, let go carefully, and your lantern will rise into the sky.
Tenn: They say when you finally lose sight of the lantern lights high up in the night sky, your difficulties will also disappear.
Yuki: Be careful to avoid burns and accidents. Let’s enjoy the magnificent sight of the lanterns rising together.
Haruka: Okay, time for the countdown!
Torao: Here we go! You ready?!
Toma: The venue’s gonna go all dark. Careful you don’t get hurt! Okay, let’s do this!
Re:vale: Countdown start!
Ryunosuke: 10!
Tenn: 9!
Gaku: 8!
Riku: 7!
Nagi: 6!
Sogo: 5!
Tamaki: 4!
Mitsuki: 3!
Yamato: 2!
Iori: 1!
All: Start!
▶ Venue penlights on
All: Wow!
Riku: It’s beautiful…!
Haruka: So pretty…
Tamaki: It’s super pretty!
Nagi: AMAZING…! What a lovely, moving sight!
Ryunosuke: You’re right…
Gaku: Ryu! Come on!
Ryunosuke: Oh, I forgot! 1, 2, 3…
▶ Sound: SFX camera shutter
Ryunosuke: Got it!
Tenn: Haha. Good.
Toma: Come here, you guys! Let’s take a group selfie!
Minami: I have a selfie stick.
Haruka: You’ve got everything, Minami.
{Torao: My arms are longest. I’ll take it. One, two…}
(Torao: Okay, I’ll take it. Everyone line up here.
Toma: Okay.
Torao: Wait just a second.
Torao: Ready?
Haruka: Let’s do it!
Torao: One, two…) [3]
[Torao: Okay, I’ll take it. Everyone get in close.
Toma: Okay. Let’s go.
Haruka: Yeah.
Torao: Wait just a second.
Toma: Let’s go. Everyone together?
Toma: We’re together.
Torao: Okay, someone else do the count.
Toma: Got it. One, two…]
▶ Sound: SFX camera shutter
Riku: So they take pictures when they say ŹOOĻ.
{Tamaki: So-chan, us too.
Sogo: O-Okay. One, two…
[Tamaki: So-chan, us too.
Sogo: O-Okay. Let me get ready. Um…
Tamaki: Huh? You have something?
Sogo: Yeah. I brought a lot of things we can use.
Tamaki: That’s just like you, So-chan.
Sogo: Okay, here we go! One, two…
▶ Sound: SFX camera shutter
Momo: So pretty, Yuki…
Yuki: Very pretty, Momo…
Mitsuki: Re:vale-san is off in their own little world.
Yamato: It’s great.
Mitsuki: What, their own little world?
Yamato: Not that! The lanterns!
Yamato: It’s nice to watch rockets go off with a bang. But watching them float away slowly and gently and softly isn’t bad either.
Nagi: It’s wonderful. Let’s rise like them in our own way—slowly and elegantly.
Iori: Nanase-san, it’s about time to signal the finale song.
Riku: Oh, right. Um…
Riku: Okay, everyone! Please listen to this song while we look up at the beautiful sky! These members will be performing our final song!
Riku: ŹOOĻ!
▶ Sound: SFX cheering
Riku: IDOLiSH7!
▶ Sound: SFX cheering
▶ Sound: SFX cheering
Riku: Re:vale!
▶ Sound: SFX cheering
Riku: All four groups together will be performing for you! “Welcome, Future World!!!”
[1] Haru is making a super effort to be more polite to Tenn here lol
[2] Yuki’s voice actor was supposed to be at the event but had COVID this weekend. Momo was live, so a lot of the “Re:vale” lines are Momo only, and here Yamato addresses Momo alone.
[3] in the live performances, ŹOOĻ actually does line up for a group selfie here, which is why their dialogue is longer. MEZZO"’s photo is skipped in Day 1.
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