Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tales of Link, main story: 2.6.03 - Stealing Back Power, Start

Tales of Link
Starlight Sinking Into the Blue
Chapter 6: To Where You Are
Scene 3: Stealing Back Power, Start
raw video link here!

We invade the castle.
In a complete contrast from the courtyard, it's dead silent inside.
Link: Such a strong feeling of malice…
The evil aura filling this place is overwhelmingly strong.
I can sense strong monsters -- ruinators -- hiding somewhere.
Link: They could come from anywhere…
We all start paying closer attention to our surroundings.
Lippy uses the SMARTPHON to investigate the interior of the castle.
Lippy: Lady Sara's signal is coming from the very top! If we ascend using that staircase, we'll reach her!
Lippy is indicating a spiral staircase in front of us.
The instant I look that way, a chill runs through my whole body.
Yuri: Get back!
We jump away obediently. Where we were standing--
Bang bang bang!
A heavy rain of arrows pierces the ground where we'd been standing.
Lippy: These arrows! Could it be--
Zephyr: There's more! It wasn't just arrows!
The killing intent is right next to us.
Two shadows jump down from the upper floor along with the arrows.
We're thrown off-balance by the sudden attack, and they bear down on us, putting all their weight behind their swings--
Yuri: Give it up.
Velvet: You thought that would be enough?
The swing of the sharp sword is met with Yuri's sword--
And the raking claws of the other monster are met with Velvet's blade--
With a metallic screech, they block the attacks.
Zephyr: Those monsters…
In front of us stand--
The arm monster that took Velvet's power.
The sword monster that took Yuri's power.
And the bow monster that works with them in perfect unison.
Faced with those strong monsters, Yuri just grins broadly.
Yuri: Yo. Thanks for all showing up together. Hey, did you know? It's not good to steal.
Yuri forces back the monster's sword with his off-hand.
Yuri: I'm taking back what you're carrying.
Velvet: I need that power… I'm stealing it back!

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