Saturday, September 7, 2019

Tales of Link, main story: 2.1.06 - Rocked by the Waves, End

and that's the end of the first chapter! there are eight chapters in total, but this is one of the shortest.

Tales of Link
Starlight Sinking Into the Blue
Chapter 1: The Nostalgic Breeze of Maira
Scene 6: Rocked by the Waves, End
raw video link here!

Lippy: The sea is calm and we have the right bearings. If we continue this way for another hour, we should be able to see it.
Sara: But I can see it already…
Zephyr: Well, we're close enough for Sara at least to see it.
Sara: Ehehe… right. Clariye's port is straight ahead.
Sara: But it's true… there aren't many ships. When I came before, it was teeming with trade ships.
Sara: There were so many they had to wait their turn to moor.
Ships… huh. Now that she mentions it--
Lippy: We heard of military ships on patrol…
Lippy: We're already in Clariye's territorial waters. It would not be unusual for them to make contact around now…
Sara: ...huh? That's...?
It looks like Sara's eyes have caught sight of something again.
Sara: What's that… a ship?
Lippy: A ship…? Let's see. I'll use the telescope.
Lippy: Oh. They're flying Clariye's military standard. It seems to be a military ship.
Kana: Speak of the devil! It's getting closer. What do we do?
Link: It would look strange if we ran away. Let's keep on as we are and meet them directly.
Zephyr: Yeah. And after we act like we understand, we'll pull back and start moving again under cover of darkness.
Zephyr: We might be able to pick up some information by talking to them.
Sara: Okay, got it.

--Some time later--
The military ship approaches until we can see its standard clearly, and then we hear a resounding voice.
???: You there! Stop!
In answer, we slow our speed, and they respond by lowering a boat.
We go to face the men approaching us in that boat.
Link: Yes, what is it?
Clariye Soldier A: We are soldiers of Clariye. We're conducting a check. Who are you?
We answer calmly so as not to arouse suspicion.
We act like travelers who haven't heard anything.
Sara: We're adventurers. We have to go west on a guild request.
Sara: We thought we would stop in Clariye to resupply.
The soldier shrugs at Sara's answer and looks a bit apologetic as he takes out a sheet of paper.
Clariye Soldier A: ...These notices are currently going around Clariye.
It's the same as the one Kiriya showed us yesterday.
Clariye Soldier A: We're currently in preparation for the renewal of an ancient sacred ritual. No entry is permitted. Please depart at once.
Zephyr: What, really? But I want water… Can't you make an exception?
Clariye Soldier A: No exceptions. If you head south from here, you'll find a small town with a thriving fishing business called Maira. You can resupply there.
Link: ...really.
Kana: Hmm. Nothing we can do. But I want to see the celebration… hey, Captain? Is it really not allowed?
Clariye Soldier A: Unfortunately, no. Well, even if we call it a celebration, it'll be a solemn affair.
Clariye Soldier A: There won't be any night stalls a girl your age would enjoy, young lady. You'd find it boring.
Kana: Ooh! I-I'm not that young…
Zephyr snickers, restraining laughter at Kana's shock.
But at that moment--
The roar of a cannon makes the air tremble.
Clariye Soldier A: ! What!?
One of the soldiers behind him points across the sea to the west.
Clariye Soldier B: Captain Sesque! Over there! It's the signal shot from another military ship!
When I look in the direction he's indicating, brightly colored trails of smoke are rising into the sky.
Sesque: A call for reinforcements…!? Get the telescope!
The man called Sesque takes the telescope from his subordinate and checks for himself, his expression troubled.
Lippy: Is that the silhouette of a ship…?
Sara: There are three ships… two of them are military ships of the same type… they look like they're chasing down the third.
Sesque: Could that be one of those pirate ships that's been sighted recently!?
Sesque: Honestly, land and sea both…! What is happening in Clariye…!?
The captain Sesque stares sorrowfully at his allied ships across the water.
Clariye Soldier B: Captain Sesque… your orders!
At the sound of his subordinate's voice, he starts and resumes the composure fitting of a military leader.
Sesque: We'll support them! ...We'll have to solve one problem at a time.
As the boat begins to move,
Sesque: Listen up, you four! Even if you reach the port, they won't let you drop anchor. Please turn back!
Link: ...yes. Understood. ...It looks like there's some trouble. Please take care.
Sesque: Yes. Farewell.
I watch the military ship as it sails away.
Zephyr: Looks like we got lucky. A distraction's come up.
Lippy: Yes. We can pretend to leave this area and bring the ship around to the side of the island.
Lippy: With this ship I've repaired, we don't have to make land at a port. Even untamed shore will do.
I nod, pondering over the words the captain had said while he was lost in thought.
Sara: What's wrong, Link?
Link: Hmm. I'm thinking about what the Captain said just now. Sea and land both… he said.
Kana: You mean…
Zephyr: It sounds like something bad is afoot on the island itself.

...We're starting to see the effects of the Seed as we grow closer.
What could be waiting for us in Clariye?

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