anyway it's been like. one or two years since I played this part so I totally forgot THAT ENDING WHAT
IDOLiSH7 Twelve Fantasia
Nara: Deer and Deer Crackers
Tsumugi: There are so many deer.
Iori: Their eyes are so big and round…
Tamaki: Iorin, do you like deer?
Iori: ...cough. Please be careful, even if they are used to people. If you don't pay attention, they may take food from you!
Tamaki: Seriously? I'm definitely gonna protect my snacks!
Sougo: Tamaki-kun's bag is full of snacks.
Nagi: There are so many deer roaming around Nara. It's wonderful seeing them living with humans!
Iori: Nara's deer have long been protected. They're believed to be helpers of the gods.
Tsumugi: They're selling deer crackers. How about I buy some? The deer will come over.
Nagi: OK, let's go.
Tamaki: Me too. I wanna know what they taste like.
Iori: Taste…? There's no way Yotsuba-san is planning to eat the deer crackers, right?
Sougo: We might expect it of Tamaki-kun, but I don't think he would.
Tamaki: We bought some.
Nagi: Come on. We've got deer crackers.
Tamaki: Whoa, there's tons of them! Ah! They're going after the whole pack, not the one I'm holding out!
Nagi: The deer are enchanted by me, just like the ladies. My charm is truly frightening.
Tamaki: They're stealing my crackers! Sou-chan, I'm scared! Help me!
Iori: The look in the deer's eyes changed and they went straight for Rokuya-san and Yotsuba-san.
Sougo: Calm down, Tamaki-kun! You're tall, hold the bundle of crackers up so they can't reach it!
Tamaki: Like this?
Sougo: Right, then just take out what you want to give them!
Tamaki: ...ohhh. They're chomping like the crackers are super delicious.
Nagi: OH! They're bowing before they eat! They really are Japanese deer. They have true Japanese hearts.
Sougo: I've heard that the bow means they're begging for food. It's because the tourists will gladly give them deer crackers when they bow.
Tsumugi: They're very polite deer.
Iori: It seems like there are also deer that will wait for the light to change. They've been in the city for a long time, so they may have learned how we live here.
Tamaki: ...cough, cough.
Tsumugi: What's wrong, Tamaki-kun!?
Tamaki: It's gross! It's dry and doesn't really taste like anything.
Iori: Yotsuba-san… he really ate one…!
Tamaki: Well, the deer looked like they liked them…
Sougo: I don't think they're bad for humans, but they don't taste good. But I've heard canned cat food is good if you put mayonnaise on it.
Nagi: Sougo! Have you gone too far?
Sougi: No, of course I haven't tried it. I've eaten bean sprouts a lot, but cat food is surprisingly expensive.
Tamaki: So you'd eat it if it was cheap…
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