Monday, December 23, 2019

Tales of Link, main story: 2.3.11 - Ruins ~Into the Depths~, Start

it is so much less of a pain to not have to type "man-eating monster?" every time.

Tales of Link
Starlight Sinking Into the Blue
Chapter 3: Infiltration and Investigation
Scene 11: Ruins ~Into the Depths~, Start
raw video link here!

As we proceed deeper into the ruins, we come across a large door.
Lippy: It seems the very deepest part of the ruins lie beyond this door.
Velvet: ...this feeling… this is pretty serious.
Velvet: There are even more ruinators in there. On top of that, they're stronger than the ones from before. You three turn back now. You'll be in my way.
Link: I told you before, we're here to purify those ruinators -- to exterminate them. So we'll keep going.
Velvet: you want to die. Do what you want.
Saying so, she doesn't wait for us to prepare ourselves before turning toward the door.
Kana: But… the Seeds of Ruin are scattered all over the world. So then why are there so many ruinators here…?
Lippy: That worries me as well. Perhaps there is something here that gathers the Seeds.
Lippy: I am also concerned that there are so many here, and yet my SMARTPHON did not pick up a strong signal until we entered the ruins…
We stare at the door. Past that, I can sense the ruinators--
…? ...huh?
What I'm getting from the door isn't the sense of ruinators, but a feeling of deja vu.
It's telling me that deep in my heart… no, deep in my memories, I've seen a similar door.
Why…? Where…
Velvet: I'm opening it.

--Those words signal a declaration of war.
I shake off my thoughts to concentrate on the fight. First, I let magic flow through my body.
With a loud sound, the door opens.
In the next moment--

Ruinators: Roaaaaaaar!
A large number of ruinators leap at us.
Velvet: Rising Falcon!
Velvet rushes headlong into the fray. Behind her, we jump into the room as if in pursuit, letting loose blasts of magic at the ruinators we see.
The battle begins--

Out of the corner of my eye, I see some sort of magic device in the center of the room.
At that moment, that strong sense of deja vu runs through me again.
Link: (There's no mistaking it… I've seen "something" that looks like that somewhere before…)
But… where?
The memories float through my head. But then they're banished entirely--
Kana: Allen! To the right!
At Kana's voice, I loose the arte I have prepared. It hits one of the attacking monsters and sends it flying.
--I'll have time to think after this battle.

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