IDOLiSH7 Twelve Fantasia
Tochigi: Fluffy Farm
Momo: We've reached the Fluffy Farm! Let's fluff them as much as we want today! [1]
Gaku: We're going to a farm?
Momo: Yeah! It's a farm full of alpacas!
Tenn: You didn't tell us where we were going, so I wondered where you were taking us… and how did you decide who to bring?
Yuki: Those of you who looked stressed out. We thought we'd take you to be soothed by alpacas as a surprise.
Tenn: ……
Yuki: Come on, Tenn-kun. I'm seeing wrinkles in your forehead again. One, two…
Tenn: Please stop that.
Ryuu: N-Now, now, Tenn… Calm down. Okay?
Momo: Haha, Yuki was joking when he said you looked stressed. We just wanted to hang out with TRIGGER. And I wanted to fluff the alpacas.
Momo: And it doesn't seem like the kind of place Okarin and Kaoru-chan would like, so I asked Maneko-chan to be our chaperone!
Tsumugi: Yes! Everyone, please enjoy yourselves completely.
Yuki: Since we're here, you should enjoy yourself too.
Momo: Right, right! If you get a chance, go fluff!
Yuki: All right, youngsters! Please fluff them as much as you'd like.
Ryuu: Gaku, Tenn, what do you want to do?
Gaku: I don't really mind.
Tenn: We've come all this way. I guess I'll join you.
Momo: Then let's go in!
Yuki: There are alpacas as far as the eye can see.
Tsumugi: The pamphlet says there are about four hundred on the farm.
Momo: Waaah! They're really friendly! They're so cute! And they're soooo fluffy!
Tsumugi: They have so much fur. They remind me of Kinako.
Tenn: That's the Takanashi Productions rabbit, right?
Tsumugi: That's right. If you stroke her like this, it's really soothing…
Tenn: Haha, that's true. They're so fluffy, it feels good.
Yuki: ...I'm seeing something amazing.
Ryuu: Tenn's really cute when he smiles. He always has that kind of open smile when he's talking with children.
Gaku: He'd be a lot more lovable if he was always like that...
Momo: Ah! Look! This alpaca's hairstyle looks like Gaku's!
Gaku: Huh? There's no way -- wha, it really does!?
Ryuu: Now that I look, all the alpacas have really distinct hairstyles.
Tsumugi: Um… ah, this is in the pamphlet too! This farm also pays a lot of attention to the hair styling.
Tsumugi: They do it so they can tell them apart. You can see alpacas with all sorts of hairstyles, including bowl cuts, mohawks, and Socrates cuts! [2]
Yuki: They might have alpacas with all our hairstyles.
Tenn: Oh, it's Ryuu's hairstyle.
Ryuu: Ahaha! There's an alpaca with Tenn's hair too!
Yuki: You could make an alpaca TRIGGER.
Momo: They're so fluffy and cute, they could be super popular!
[1] MOFUMOFU BOKUJOU!!! though it's not mentioned by name here, this is a reference to the real-life Nasu Alpaca Farm.
[2] don't ask me what a socrates cut is, google is failing me and I have no idea help I am so confused
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